Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Trying NOT to be mean...

I have been working on NOT being mean.

I am finding it difficult so I guess that means deep down I am mean. 

Honestly, I don't think I'm mean.  Here is what I know...

  • I have no patience
  • I expect people around me to behave like adults
  • I expect people around me to not be lazy (work and personal life)
  • I expect a level of professionalism (this is a HUGE work issue)
  • I expect to be respected
I guess these are my underlying issues...if you can call them that. 

Maybe its just that my expectations are to high. 

When the above "expectations" are not being met I get frustrated.  Which turns into short quick emails..just so I can get my point out and across which I guess is translated to "mean"
Well ya know what people...put on your big girl panties and suck it up like the rest of us instead of crying to the boss...because I worded something in a way that made you feel sensitive. 

It happens to all of us...I have NEVER gone running to any boss because someone spoke to me and made me feel shitty. 

If I did that I would worry that the people who made the comments would think that I couldn't handle pressure...or criticism or what I was just a whiny baby. 


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Once again...I'm mean

Have you ever said or done something that you wish you could take back.

I think this is my gift....the ability to open my mouth and just let whatever comes out...come out.

Or in this case whatever my little fingers type in an EMAIL

The thing about an email is you literally cannot take it back, you can't really talk your way out of it (if you can please let me know in the next 24 hours). 

An email can be forwarded. (fantastic)

Today, I meant to forward an email to a co-worker to complain about how the email from another coworker was sent to me.  Instead, in my haste, I REPLIED! 

The person that sent me the email already thinks I'm mean.  This person also seems to be overly emotional and takes everything personally.

There was an instance a few months ago where an email I sent to this person was forwarded to the bosses...where they agreed that I was kinda mean.  WTF

This will be the icing on the cake. 

I might be able to talk my way out of this one...if need be...and possible back pedal...but probably not. 

I also sent an immediate apology email right afterwards...claiming I'm sure the error wasn't this persons fault. 

I have had interactions with people who are SUPER nice..until you screw up...right...then when you screw up they throw you under the bus. 

In a round about way that is kinda what I did with my first "mean" email.  It appeared to backfire. 

Here's the thing....I am getting older.  I have completely lost my patience.  If someone is told something once and/or has been doing a job where they know that more information is needed before sending out an email then they should take care and do their job....but NO....they don't.

 I address it and all the sudden I'm mean.

Nope...I'm old.  I'm fed up.  I'm frustrated that some people are held to high standards than others.  Things I would never have been able to get away with other people are. 

So, I have already been told about my meanness...and its now happened again.  It will only become a thing if the recipient cries to the bosses. 

I have already lost my status as the favorite so might as well go down in flames.

April 1st we are bringing on two new employees who I was told I would have to help train.  LOL 

Guess not!