Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Do you take selfies?   I think at some point or another we all have or do.

On my drive to work this morning there was a 20 something female in the vehicle behind me.  She took a selfie at every stop light.  With those duck lips or kissie faces.


Are the kids today that vain?  Self consumed? 

Side dynamics are going to be changing again.  I won't be able to share for a few more weeks.  July is going to be crazy!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Do you have any hobbies? 

I do

I love to read, knit and kayak.

Interesting combination right!

The reading part isn't super interesting...I'm pretty sure lots of people read.  But not a lot of people knit, especially younger people.  Although I have seen a rise in younger people knitting.

I would love to knit on a kayak one day.  Then I can combine two loves.

I need a bigger kayak. 

Currently the one I have is an 8 foot kayak.  I'm 5'10" so my long legs don't fit that comfortably. 
I have plans to purchase a 10 foot one soon....that is as long as I can lift it on top of my SUV by myself. 

I am interested in the Pelican Mustang 100X kayak.  I'm pretty sure I can lift it and the name is awesome. 

The past two weekends we have been out on a lake.  Its so peaceful. 

I think I also need some kayaking buddies. 

My wife goes with me and enjoys it but she really just enjoys floating.   She doesn't seem to have much interest in actually going a distance on the lakes.  She also gets alittle freaked out if I go out of her site.  LOL  Kinda like a child going out of site of their parents. 

I am perfectly content and happy to go off on my own.  I'm also a pretty strong swimmer so I'm not worried.  Side note though, I 'm not entirely sure I can get back into the kayak should I actually tip over.  I have watched some video on how to reenter from the water but I've never actually tried it. 

So what are your hobbies?

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Rabbit Hole

I used to pride myself on staying out of drama and gossip, not talking behind others backs.

I used to mind my own business.

Notice how I say "used to"

I have fallen down the rabbit hole. 

I fear there is no getting out of it.

I think part of why this has happened is because I want to be liked.  

Have said that I also have this "I don't give a shit what people think about me" attitude.  Which I have had for a very long time..but I still want to be liked.  Makes no sense

When I first started with this company there were very few employees and we all pretty much started at the same time.  Its larger now.

There are more people with different personalities and they don't all mesh so people talk about each other. 

I "used to" be very non-committal.  Just say "uummm" a lot of times...or "oh"  and not offer my opinion (which was never good anyway) or offer feedback. 

It seems that all I do now is gossip right back, offer feedback and my opinion (none of it is good either...still)

I think I have even stirred the pot a few times. 

I am not proud of my new found ability to gossip and get involved in drama but I also can't seem to stop it. 

Monday, June 17, 2019

How do you manage STRESS?

Here I am again, still living the stress free life. 


Seriously who has a stress free life?  If that is you then we need to talk because I want to know your secret.

My life is not stress free however its a lot less stressful lately.

Being away from my main office and in my remote office give me some peace.

I was in our main office on Friday.  I felt stress.  I really like the majority of the people who work there, which I feel I have said numerous times.  There is one person that changes the dynamics of the office though. 

It only takes one person.

I have a feeling that this person is either going to quit or get fired.

I could use some tips on how to manage stress. 

Please comment... 

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Stress be GONE!

An amazing thing happened yesterday.

I had a quiet, productive day, I left work at a reasonable time and went to the gym.  When I got home I still had energy and was in a good mood.

That hasn't happened in a long time.   I haven't felt that good in a long time.

Its funny how when you remove negativity from your life....even for one day (with the promise of more days to follow) that you life suddenly is better.   You feel lighter. 

I did make some connections at the main office.  Formed some bonds.  I have some feelings about not being there anymore.  I have concerns that I will loose those bonds...honestly I fear loosing my status there.  I feel like I have been built up alittle.  I have saved the day a few times, been a counselor and mentor. 

I feel like people tend to forget the good things you do when you don't see them for a while. 

Plus I'm not there every day now to wow them with my level head and knowledge. 

I can't have it both ways though. 

I would much rather have stress free days with no drama.

I have that back now. 

Monday, June 3, 2019

The Last Two Months...

The last two months are a blur.

I have been in another office training a new employee. 

I have felt completely displaced. 

The training went really well...mostly because the girl I was training is intelligent. 

However I have learned some things about our main office.  (I work out of a remote satellite office...kinda alone)

There is a employee at the main office that on one really likes.  And for good reason.  The person has become too big for their rude...and kinda a jerk.

I was at our main office longer than I anticipated.  But training was going well and I was enjoy the banter and socialize with the remaining office people.  The problem employee actually asked me on Friday when I was returning to the satellite office and if I didn't want to return they would be my seat there. 


That's not how this works.

I have seniority over this person.  However this person NEVER listens to me. 

By the time I left on Friday I was seeing red and wanted to scream.  I was then incredibly irritated all weekend...and I'm irritated that I left this person get to me. 

I am thankful that for the most part I am away from that office this week....with the except of two appointments later in the week. But I won't be staying there after the appointments are over.

ALSO...the person who was crying and complaining that I was mean all the fired. 
I didn't fire her.
Who's mean now?